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Be Kind:
- To each other, keeping our hands and feet to ourselves
- With our words, making sure to work towards conflict resolution, not arguing. Apologize when we have done or said something to hurt others.
- To our things, use supplies how they were made to be used
- To the school, keep our school bright and our floor clean
Be Safe:
- Follow classroom, hallway, cafeteria, and playground expectations
- Look out for friends and staff, keep eyes forward and ready and our hands to ourselves
Work Hard:
- Be ready to learn, by looking at the teacher
- Have your supplies before the day starts
- Put your things (papers especially) where they belong
- Turn in your homework on time
Enjoy your class, learn, have fun, ask questions, look for answers on your own, be curious!
Math Work and Walk Throughs:
Reading Website:
Fun Science Links:
Classroom Books